2019年からOptionsに参加。コーディネータとして翻訳や通訳を通してコミュニティを支援。活気あふれる香港で生まれ、カナダには5歳の時に移民。趣味はラケットを使うスポーツ。YouTubeの料理ビデオもよく見る(が料理はしない)。日本の文化と日本食(抹茶、蕎麦、うどんなど)が好物 😋
教育者、ファシリテータ、研究者として活躍しつつ自ら学び続けており、OptionsではSocial Innovations Hubでコミュニティの育成に参画。過去10年に渡って米国やカナダで権限の分担や助け合い、カルチュラル・ヒューミリティ(相手の文化を理解し尊重すること)を指針とするコミュニティベースの事業に携わり、移民や難民を支援してきた。反差別主義の公正な教育法に立脚して業務に取り組んでいる。サウスカロライナ大学院で人文地理学修士号を取得。趣味はベーキング。愛犬の世話にも忙しい。
ラングレー在住。熱心なボランティアでありコミュニティの育成に力を入れている。Optionsには2017年から参加し、新移民のアート関連プロジェクトを率いている。Langley Pos-Abilities Societyで理事を務める一方、Langley Human Dignity CoalitionとLangley Pride Committeeにもボランティア参加。コミュニティのイベントを組織し、地域の人々に社会参加を呼び掛けている。
Cindy is from Guangzhou, China. She loves delicious food and likes to help others. She is proud of being a volunteer at Options.
Daniela joined Options in July 2021 as a volunteer and is now a Psychology and Cognitive Science graduate looking to find her place in a world she wants to help create. Daniela enjoys silent walks, sunny days, painting, and photography.
Ece is a newcomer, facilitator, researcher, and the Project Lead of the Anti-Racism project at Options, dedicated to understanding the structural barriers that stop newcomers from fully reaching out to their potential. They hold a Master’s degree in Sociology from SFU. Their interests are policy analysis, cultural diplomacy, global immigration, as well as hiking, and cooking.
Geonsik Park studied social work and worked in South Korea. He immigrated to Canada in 2017. He currently teaches different subjects and wants to continue learning in depth for his career. He loves watching soccer and riding his bike. In his free time, he loves cooking for his family.
Jagpreet believes that serving her community is her passion and purpose. Her motivation to stand for others is respect and inclusion for everyone. She wants to pursue her passion for helping others and that's why she is studying for a Bachelor of Applied Psychology at Douglas College.
Janice joined Options in 2021. She works as a facilitator, facilitating international students to pursue their studies and success in Canada. Coming to Canada originally as an international student, Janice would like to assist newcomers to embrace the diversity in Canada.
Lin was born and raised in China. As a former radio journalist, she has a strong passion and curiosity for the world, and would never stop on her dedication to help others. Working as a freelance translator primarily on environmental protection, Lin believes every step counts in promoting social equality and justice. She feels herself empowered and enriched by being part of this campaign.
Lucy is an immigrant and has been in Canada for two and a half years. She loves communicating with people from different countries and helping newcomers. She joined the project as a volunteer last year and has been supporting the project through translation and facilitation for the Mandarin-speaking community.
Marseel joined Options in June 2021 as a volunteer. He immigrated to Canada from Iraq in 2013. He enjoys helping newcomers and making friends and connections. In his free time, he likes to go for walks by the beach, discover new parks and hidden gems of the city.
Nancy is new to Canada from China. Aligning her passion for human rights, equality, and helping others with her studies and career, Nancy studied International Law and worked as a lawyer and social worker. She also volunteered to give back to the community, through different projects as well as providing legal support. Nancy believes that every tiny action can create the betterment of the community.
Paniz is an international medical graduate who moved from Iran to Canada in 2020. She enjoys meeting new people, finding new friends, listening to their stories and understanding their beliefs and their wonderful cultures. Helping people to enjoy their lives and watching their smiles come above all for her. In her free time, she makes handcrafts, reads books, or tries new foods.
Poonam joined Options in 2021. She has been volunteering with a couple of non-profit organizations on various projects as a facilitator, translator, interpreter, and assistant teacher. She loves socializing and getting to know the traditions of diverse cultures closely. She believes in a non-judgmental attitude, empathy, and is always ready to get surprised by new learning and new ideas.
Soroosh immigrated to Vancouver less than a year ago to pursue his dream of becoming a family physician in Canada. He loves to know about nearly everything, from gaming, to sports, and even politics. He is passionate about finding the root causes of complicated issues; and through following this passion, he aspires to improve the quality of life in the society he lives in, both for himself and the generations to come.
Ted is new to Canada, and he joined Options as a volunteer in 2021. He likes to make friends with people, and learn more from them. He likes reading, cooking, and spending quality time with his family.
本プロジェクトはCommunity Foundations of Canadaの資金援助により運営されています。ご協力くださった皆さま全員に謝意を表します。フォーカスグループに参加して体験談を披露してくださった新規移住者の皆さま、ありがとうございました。
カウンセラーであるKorean Multicultural Counselling CentreのMary Kam氏とLaarni Bernado氏には、コミュニティのオンラインワークショップで人種差別討論のホスト役を務めていただきました。深謝申し上げます。
さらに本プロジェクトに協力し、関連サイトに関する意見を寄せていただいたTesni Leung、Suwon Lee、Annie Ohana、Jennifer Chanの各氏にお礼申し上げます。