인종차별과 그 역사, 당신이 할 수 있는 일, 이 번 프로젝트와 유사한 또 다른 프로젝트들에 대해 배우고 찾아보는데 도움 이 될 수 있도록 자료 정보 리스트를 만들었습니다.
증오 범죄와 그 것을 신고하는 법을 배우기
English, Chinese (Simplified & Traditional), French, Arabic, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Punjabi, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese
아시아계 캐나다인들이 인종차별적 공격을 당했을 때 익명이 보장된 안전한 신고를 할 수 있도록 합니다. 이 보고된 데이터들은 실행가능한 변화들을 만들기 위해 활용됩니다.
English, Chinese (Simplified & Traditional), Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Tagalog
If you are facing discrimination at work, use this website to access if you can make a legal complaint!
If you've accessed that you've experienced a Human Rights Violation at work, this is where you can report and seek remedies
Learn more about white supremacy and discrimination and the legal remedies you can seek.
English, French, & Spanish
By: Harvard Business Review
Languages: English
By: Cady Lang, TIME
Languages: English
By: Kevin N. Ladal
Languages: English
By: Andrew Limbong, NPR
Languages: English
By: Kat Chow, NPR
Languages: English
By: Ria Wolstenholme, BBC
Languages: English
By: Angus Reid Institute
Languages: English
By: Marguerite Ward & Rachel Premack, Business Insider
Languages: English
By: Kristen Rogers, CNN
Languages: English
By: Pfizer
Languages: English
By: Viet Thanh Nguyen, TIME
Languages: English
By: Sarah McCammon, NPR
Languages: English
A group of grassroots community organizers working to empower Vietnamese youth in creating equitable communities.
English, Vietnamese
A new media platform, sharing the real stories, perspectives, and experiences of North American Asian millennials.
COVID-19로 촉발된 인종차별로 인해 공격 당할 우려가 있는 국민들과 아시안계 그룹을 위한 연합입니다.
English, French, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Tagalog
A non-profit that supports youth and low-income immigrant seniors in Chinatown and the Downtown Eastside.
English, and Chinese
A community cultural space that documents, shares and celebrates the intercultural stories and memories experienced in Vancouver’s Chinatown.
English and Chinese
사회적 상호작용, 다중언어, 타문화에 익숙한 많은 자원들이 비인종차별, 경찰의 폭력 그리고 흑인 인종차별에 대해 정직하고 열린 마음으로 대화를 나눌 수 있는 공간들을 만들 수 있도록 지원하고 있습니다.
A space for diasporic Asians to understand our histories, explore our identities, examine our privileges and reclaim our power
COVID-19 Resources and news.
English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese, & Tagalog
A Society advocates for Black Vancouverites who have endured the legacies of urban renewal and their erasure from the official historical narrative.