









A group photo of the team on Zoom. Everyone is smiling and posing for the picture. The people from left to right are: Lucas, Grace, Stacey, Mingji, Marielle, Nicole, and  Alysha.





Nicole is posing for a picture and looking at the camera. She is smiling and resting her hand against the side of her face.

Nicole Wang


Marielle is in the middle of the picture. They are resting their elbow on their knee and looking into the camera.

Marielle Sam-Wall

Lucas于2019年加入Options,目前任职多个项目的协调员,同时帮助社区提供翻译/口译服务。他出生于充满活力的香港,五岁时移民加拿大。工作之余,他喜欢任何与球拍有关的运动、喜欢在Youtube上观看美食视频(但不做饭),也喜欢日本的文化和美食(如抹茶、荞麦面、乌冬面 😋).

A picture of a cat with a squished face who has a small soccer ball on his head (Lucas did not want a photo of him).

Lucas Ho


Grace is in the middle of the photo, looking over her shoulder back at the camera. She is smiling and looks very happy in the photo.

Grace E.H. Lew


Mingji is standing in the middle of the photo wearing a scarf and a winter's jacket. There are lights around her and a pathway behind her.

MingJi Wang

Alysha 是一名学习者、教育者、促进者、研究者,与Options的社会创新中心合作的社区建设者。在过去的10年里,她与美国和加拿大的移民和难民一起参与在社区进行的项目,这些项目是以权力分享、互惠和文化谦卑为指导的。她的工作受到反种族歧视和公平教育法的启发。Alysha拥有南卡罗来纳大学 人文地理学硕士学位。她喜欢烘焙,她的小狗宝宝更使她忙并快乐着。

Alysha is smiling and laughing while looking into the camera. The photo is bright with the background out of focus and her in focus.

Alysha Baratta

Stacey是一位热情的志愿者和社区建设者,现居住在兰里市。自2017年以来,她一直在为Options做志愿者,带领新移民参与以艺术为本的项目。Stacey组织社区活动,以鼓励邻里之间建立联系。她目前是兰里Pos-Abilities Society的董事会成员,也是兰里Human Dignity Coalition and the Langley Pride Committee的志愿者。

Stacey Wakelin

Cindy is from Guangzhou, China. She loves delicious food and likes to help others. She is proud of being a volunteer at Options.

Cindy Wu

Daniela joined Options in July 2021 as a volunteer and is now a Psychology and Cognitive Science graduate looking to find her place in a world she wants to help create. Daniela enjoys silent walks, sunny days, painting, and photography.

Daniela Peña

Ece is a newcomer, facilitator, researcher, and the Project Lead of the Anti-Racism project at Options, dedicated to understanding the structural barriers that stop newcomers from fully reaching out to their potential. They hold a Master’s degree in Sociology from SFU. Their interests are policy analysis, cultural diplomacy, global immigration, as well as hiking, and cooking.

Ece Arslan

Geonsik Park studied social work and worked in South Korea. He immigrated to Canada in 2017. He currently teaches different subjects and wants to continue learning in depth for his career. He loves watching soccer and riding his bike. In his free time, he loves cooking for his family.

Geonsik Park

Jagpreet believes that serving her community is her passion and purpose. Her motivation to stand for others is respect and inclusion for everyone. She wants to pursue her passion for helping others and that's why she is studying for a Bachelor of Applied Psychology at Douglas College.

Jagpreet Debad

Janice joined Options in 2021. She works as a facilitator, facilitating international students to pursue their studies and success in Canada. Coming to Canada originally as an international student, Janice would like to assist newcomers to embrace the diversity in Canada.

Janice Xie

Lin was born and raised in China. As a former radio journalist, she has a strong passion and curiosity for the world, and would never stop on her dedication to help others. Working as a freelance translator primarily on environmental protection, Lin believes every step counts in promoting social equality and justice. She feels herself empowered and enriched by being part of this campaign.

Lin Lin

Lucy is an immigrant and has been in Canada for two and a half years. She loves communicating with people from different countries and helping newcomers. She joined the project as a volunteer last year and has been supporting the project through translation and facilitation for the Mandarin-speaking community.

Lucy Li

Marseel joined Options in June 2021 as a volunteer. He immigrated to Canada from Iraq in 2013. He enjoys helping newcomers and making friends and connections. In his free time, he likes to go for walks by the beach, discover new parks and hidden gems of the city.

Marseel Al-hirmiz

Nancy is new to Canada from China. Aligning her passion for human rights, equality, and helping others with her studies and career, Nancy studied International Law and worked as a lawyer and social worker. She also volunteered to give back to the community, through different projects as well as providing legal support. Nancy believes that every tiny action can create the betterment of the community.

Nancy Yiwen Zhang

Paniz is an international medical graduate who moved from Iran to Canada in 2020. She enjoys meeting new people, finding new friends, listening to their stories and understanding their beliefs and their wonderful cultures. Helping people to enjoy their lives and watching their smiles come above all for her. In her free time, she makes handcrafts, reads books, or tries new foods.

Paniz Fathi

Poonam joined Options in 2021. She has been volunteering with a couple of non-profit organizations on various projects as a facilitator, translator, interpreter, and assistant teacher. She loves socializing and getting to know the traditions of diverse cultures closely. She believes in a non-judgmental attitude, empathy, and is always ready to get surprised by new learning and new ideas.

Poonam Mahendru

Soroosh immigrated to Vancouver less than a year ago to pursue his dream of becoming a family physician in Canada. He loves to know about nearly everything, from gaming, to sports, and even politics. He is passionate about finding the root causes of complicated issues; and through following this passion, he aspires to improve the quality of life in the society he lives in, both for himself and the generations to come.

Soroosh Salehabadi

Ted is new to Canada, and he joined Options as a volunteer in 2021. He likes to make friends with people, and learn more from them. He likes reading, cooking, and spending quality time with his family.

Ted Cao


本项目由加拿大社区基金会赞助。 我们要感谢所有为本项目做出贡献的人。感谢谢部分加拿大新移民参与并分享了他们的经历。感谢为社区举办种族主义专题网上讲座的顾问们:Mary Kam韩国多元文化咨询中心,Laarni Bernardo。

同时也感谢为本项目做出贡献并积极提供信息资源的个人:Tesni Leung, Suwon Lee, Annie Ohana和Jennifer Chan。


Options社区服务组织(OCS)是加拿大一个非营利组织,为BC省素里市,三角洲市,白石镇和兰里市提供社会服务,是具创新精神且备受社区尊敬的领头者。OCS是一个多元化的联合组织,旨在帮助人们学会自助并共同建设更加安全, 健康有活力的社区。在多元性,诚信性,资源性,协作性和卓越性目标的指引下,我们的愿景是创造希望和归属感。我们社区的多元化有各种丰富的形式。OCS致力于多元文化社区的发展,以促进文化交流和提升人们生活为宗旨。



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